
Postdoc 汪佑霖(Wang, Y.-L.)
Master students 林星辰
Bachelor students 高志朋、車晴恩
Assistants 吳兆麒、郭泓辰



姓名 論文題目 [Link to NTNUETD] 共同指導
辛宜佳 臺灣周邊海域海流之數值研究
Numerical study on the currents around Taiwan
許瑋真 南海與呂宋海峽渦漩動力之研究
Eddy Dynamics in the South China Sea and Luzon Strait
江紫綾 南海渦漩、暖流及颱風溫降之數值模擬與動力解釋
Simulations and interpretations on mesoscale eddy, Warm Current, and typhoon-induced temperature drop in the South China Sea
張育綾 太平洋和大西洋西邊緣海的環流動力研究
Understanding Circulation Processes in Western Atlantic and Pacific Marginal Seas
Dr. Lie-Yauw Oey JAMSTEC[»]
崔怡楓 運用GHSOM技術分析臺灣附近黑潮入侵變化之研究
Variability analysis of Kuroshio intrusion around Taiwan using growing hierarchical self-organizing map
王儷樵 熱帶太平洋環流的動力:演化、調節與解釋
Dynamics of Tropical Pacific Ocean circulation: evolution, modulation, and interpretation
汪佑霖 全球暖化趨緩下的黑潮
The Kuroshio under the global warming hiatus
林永富 氣候變異對日本鰻苗捕獲量減少之探討
Climate variability responsible for poor recruitment of the Japanese glass eel (Anguilla japonica)



姓名 論文題目 [Link to NTNUETD] 共同指導
辛宜佳 東海及其鄰近海域之數值模式研究
Numerical modeling studies in the East China Sea and its vicinity
郭子彥 懸浮顆粒濃度在淡水河口之時空變化
Temporal and Spital Variability of Suspended particulated Matter in the Tanshui estuary, Taiwan
潘任飛 Estimation of upper-ocean thermal structure in the North West Pacific Ocean by satellite remote sensing and its application to typhoon intensity change 林依依
盧鴻復 臺灣東北海域之模式流場分析
The flow pattern off northeast Taiwan
許 羣 臺灣海峽海流的季節與年際變化
Seasonal and interannual variability of the Taiwan Strait current
江紫綾 北南海流況之研究
Circulation structure in the northern South China Sea
蘇銘強 南海海表面高度變化之研究
Variability of the Sea Surface Height
張育綾 臺灣東北海域之黑潮
Kuroshio off northeast Taiwan
蔡沛紋 臺灣海峽湧升流之研究
Upwelling in the Taiwan Strait
陳嘉隆 聖嬰年反聖嬰年期間南海環流的變化  
嚴偉力 北赤道洋流與黑潮上游之研究
Modeling sudies on the North Equatorial Current and upstream Kuroshio
王儷樵 太平洋赤道洋流系統之研究
The flow pattern in the equatorial Pacific Ocean
賴星宇 2008年晚春到初夏期間臺灣周遭海域的二氧化碳交換通量與分佈
Distribution and Air-Sea Exchange Flux of CO2 over the Marginal Seas surrounding Taiwan during Late Spring through Early Summer, 2008
林幼淳 波浪動能影響海溫結構之數值模擬研究
Effects of wave-induced mixing on the temperature structure
陳柏宇 蘇祿海表層環流之數值模式研究
Numerical studies on the surface circulation of the Sulu Sea
彭書憶 東海傳輸量變化之研究  
許珮慈 利用數值試驗探討黑潮入侵南海的機制  
林永富 黑潮入侵東海之研究
Interannual variability of the Kuroshio intrusion onto the shelf of the East China Sea
陳侃鴻 氣候變遷對強烈颱風之影響
Impact of climate change on severe tropical cyclones
肖征 呂宋海峽東側海表面高度變化之研究
A study on the sea surface height variability east of the Luzon Strait
廖美惠 臺灣周邊海域海面水溫分析及其於珊瑚白化監測之研究
Studies on sea surface temperature variability and coral reef bleaching monitoring in the coastal waters of Taiwan
吳鈺涵 氣候變遷對西北太平洋颱風發展之影響
Impact of climate change on the development of tropical cyclones in the western North Pacific
李雅菁 太陽活動對西北太平洋冬半年颱風之影響
Impact of solar activity on the winter tropical cyclones in the western North Pacific
黃寶緯 印度降雨變異之研究
Climate variability responsible for the rainfall fluctuation in Indian
顏嘉緯 海流資料同化方案之建立
Establishment of ocean current data assimilation scheme
何欣勇 西北太平洋颱風是否因黑潮而變強?
Can Kuroshio intensify typhoons in the northwestern Pacific Ocean?
郭泓辰 大西洋多年代際震盪之季節不對稱性效應對台灣東北湧升流之影響
Seasonal-asymmetry effects of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation on the upwelling off northeast Taiwan
黃柏豪 海流發電機最佳化配置研究
Optimization of the Arrangement and Selection of Ocean Current Turbines
張育綾 臺灣海峽流況之數值模擬研究  



2013 - 02月
2009 - 02月
張育綾同學獲2009 Workshop on Modeling the Ocean: Dynamics, Syntheses and Prediction Outstanding Young Scientist Award 第一名
2008 - 11月
2008 - 07月
2008 - 01月
『Wu, C.-R. and Y.-C. Hsin (2005): Volume transport through the Taiwan Strait: a numerical study. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 16(2), 377-391.』獲Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 2005-2006 Best Article Award
2007 - 11月
2007 - 06月
『Kao, S. J., C.-R. Wu, Y.-C. Hsin, and M. Dai (2006): Effects of sea level change on the upstream Kuroshio Current through the Okinawa Trough. Geophysical Research Letters, 33(16), L16604, doi:10.1029/2006GL026822.』獲中央研究院2006 Young Scientist Outstanding Paper Award
2007 - 01月
2006 - 12月
2006 - 11月
2006 - 03月
『Chiang, T.-L. and C.-R. Wu (2006): Circulation structure in the northern South China Sea』獲2006年行政院國家科學委員會海洋學門研討會壁報第一名
『Sheu, W.-J. and C.-R. Wu (2006): Interannual variation in the South China Sea region』獲2006年行政院國家科學委員會海洋學門研討會壁報第三名
『Lu, H.-F. and C.-R. Wu (2006): The flow pattern off northeast Taiwan』獲2006年行政院國家科學委員會海洋學門研討會壁報第四名
2004 - 05月